Welcome! Congratulations on taking the first step in creating a life that you love. We provide online counseling to adults in the USA and the Caribbean.
We specialize in empowering individuals who hold marginalized identities – people of color, immigrants, women and LGBTQ-identified individuals, who are dealing with trauma, unsatisfying relationships, depression, anxiety, grief, sexual concerns, navigating systems of oppression, or generally feeling unfulfilled in life.
Our team of highly trained therapists will help you with the critical work of understanding your emotions. Many of us allow our emotions to be in the driver’s seat much of the time without even realizing it.
Therapy can help you learn skills to effectively work with your emotions, so you can live a life based on your values and goals.
I’m the founder of Pathways To Freedom Mental Wellness Services, a safe space where you can be heard and find hope. Let us help you explore why you may be stuck in patterns and behaviors that are no longer serving you. Together, we will find the way through.
“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”
– Vicktor Frankl
Everyone struggles with thoughts and emotions at some point in our lives, have you been experiencing this lately and hoping you can talk to someone about it? Request an appointment today via our user-friendly booking platform.
Support Groups
Group therapy allows people to receive the support and encouragement of the other members of the group. People participating in the group can see that others are going through the same thing, which can help them feel less alone.
Our Wellness
Our blog features resources for people who are interested in mental health. Our therapists provide features on mental health and wellness advice, stories of recovery, ways to end stigma and strategies for living well.
Our staff has provided therapy to clients of various backgrounds and with a range of presenting concerns. Learn more about our special expertise areas.
Online therapy has rapidly grown in popularity, and for good reason – Our remote sessions offer convenience across many states and within the Caribbean.
For many, the process of therapy is shrouded in mystery, and can e a source of uncertainty and doubt. Learn more about what to expect in starting and participating in therapy.